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Peer-reviewed Journal Publications


Hammond, J., vanWijk, M.T., Smajgl, A., Ward, J., Pagella, T., Xu, J., Su, Y., Yi, Z., Harrison., R.D. (2017) Farm types and farmer motivations to adapt: Implications for design of sustainable agricultural interventions in the rubber plantations of South West China. Agricultural Systems, 154, (2017), 1-12.


Dave, S. Basant L Maheshwari, Maria Varua, Roger Packham, John Ward. (2018) Development of Visual Cues for Understanding the Influence of Access to Groundwater on Community Wellbeing in India. Journal of Hydrology. In review.


Dave, S. Basant L Maheshwari, Maria Varua, Roger Packham, John Ward. (2018) Communicating Farmers’ Priorities for Sustainable Management of Aquifer Recharge in two watersheds in India – A Subjective Wellbeing Approach. In review.


Rai S Kookana, Basant Maheshwari, Peter Dillon, Seema H Dave, Prahlad Soni, Hakimuddin Bohra, Yogita Dashora, Ramesh C Purohit, John Ward, Sachin Oza, Pratibha Katara, Kamal K Yadave, Maria E Varua, Harsharn Grewal, Roger Packham, Anand S Jodh and Ashishkumar Patel. (2016). Groundwater scarcity impact on inclusiveness and women empowerment: Insights from school absenteeism of female students in two watersheds in India. International Journal of Inclusive Education, (2016).


Maheshwari, B.; Varua, M.; Ward, J.; Packham, R.; Chinnasamy, P.; Dashora, Y.; Dave, S.; Soni, P.; Dillon, P.; Purohit, R.; Hakimuddin; Shah, T.; Oza, S.; Singh, P.; Prathapar, S.; Patel, A.; Jadeja, Y.; Thaker, B.; Kookana, R.; Grewal, H.; Yadav, K.; Mittal, H.; Chew, M.; Rao, P. (2014) The Role of Transdisciplinary Approach and Community Participation in Village Scale Groundwater Management: Insights from Gujarat and Rajasthan, India. Water 2014, 6, 3386-3408 doi:10.3390/w6113386 


MARVI – Managing Aquifer Recharge and Sustaining Groundwater Use through Village-level Intervention (2018) B. Maheshwari, P. Dillon, J. Ward, T. Shah, R. Kookana, S. Oza, Y. Jadeja, R.C. Purohit, R. Packham, M. Varua, H. Grewal, P.K. Singh, P. Soni, Y. Dashora, P. Chinnasamy, M. Chew, L. Daley, S. Prathapar, B. Thakar, M. Sharma, A.S. Jodha and D. Nagar. GRIPP Series, IWMI. South Africa. In review.


Ward, J., Varua, M.E., Maheshwari, B., Oza, S., Purohit, R., Hakimuddin and Dave, S.  (2016) Exploring the Relationship Between Subjective Wellbeing and Groundwater Attitudes and Practices of Farmers in Rural India. Journal of Hydrology 540: 1-16.


Varua, M. E., Ward, J., Maheshwari, B., Oza, S., Purohit, R., Hakimuddin, and Chinnasamy, P. (2016). Assisting community management of groundwater: irrigator attitudes in two watersheds in Rajasthan and Gujarat, India. Journal of Hydrology 537: pp171-186.


Varua, M.E., Ward, J, Maheshwari, B, Dave, S and Kookana, R (2018) Groundwater management and gender inequalities: The case of two watersheds in rural India. Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 6: pp 93-100. 


Smajgl, A., Toan, T.Q., Nhan, D.K., Ward, J., Trung, N.H. , Tri, L.Q., Tri, V.P.D., Vu, P.T. (2015). Responding to rising sea-levels in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta. Nature Climate Change, 5, 167-174.


Smajgl, A., Foran, T., Dore, J., Ward, J., & Larson, S. (2015). Visions, beliefs and transformation: Exploring cross-sector and trans-boundary dynamics in the wider Mekong region. Ecology and Society, 20(2):15.


Smajgl, A., & Ward, J. (2015). A design protocol for research impact evaluation: Development investments of the Mekong region. Journal of Environmental Management, 157, 311-319.


Smajgl A, Xu, J, Egan, S., YI, Z.-F., Su, Y.,Ward J, 2015. Assessing the Effectiveness of Payments for Ecosystem Services for Diversifying Rubber in Yunnan, China. Environmental Modelling and Software, 69, 187-195.


Hassenforder, E., Smajgl, A., Ward, J. 2015. Towards understanding participatory processes: Framework, application and results. Journal of Environmental Management, 157, 84-95. 


Zomer, R. , Trabucco, A., Wang, M., Lang, R. , Chen, H., Metzger, M.J., Smajgl, A., Beckschäfer, P., Xu, J. (2014). Environmental Stratification and Projected Climate Change Impacts on Biodiversity, Terrestrial Ecosystems, and Rubber Production in Yunnan Province, China. Biological Conservation, 170, 264-273.


Smajgl A, Ward J, 2013. A framework to bridge science and policy in the assessment of complex futures. Futures, 52(8), 52-58.   


Foran T, Kemp-Benedikt E, Ward J, Smajgl A, 2013. A technique for developing detailed foresight narratives. Ecology & Society, 18(4).6.



Books & Book Chapters


Smajgl, A, Ward, J (Eds.). 2013. The Water-Food-Energy Nexus in the Mekong Region. Assessing Development Strategies Considering Cross-Sectoral and Transboundary Impacts. Springer, New York. 


Maheshwari, B., Ward, J., Varua, M.E., Purohit, R.C., Hakimuddin, Oza, S., Y. Jadeja, Y., R. Packham, R., (2016). Harnessing community capacity to coordinate and integrate natural and behavioural science perspectives: a groundwater management case study from rural India. In M. F. Rola-Rubzen and J. Burgess (ed.), Developing Human Capacity in the Asia Pacific: Trends, Challenges and Prospects, Routledge. (in press)


M. Chew, B. Maheshwari, R. Purohit, P. Dillon, S. Oza, H. Bohra, Y. Dashora, Y. Jadeja, R. Kookana, R., Packham, J. Ward. and P. Katara (2017) Groundwater stories. Villagers share their voices: a MARVI project, Western Sydney University, ISBN 978-1-74108-441-2



Peer-reviewed Conference Papers


Smajgl, A. (2017) Participatory Processes and Integrated Modelling – Supporting Nexus Implementations. UNU Position Paper for the Dresden Nexus Conference. 17-19 May 2017, Dresden, Germany.


Y. Jadeja, B. Maheshwari, R. Packham, Hakimuddin, R. Purohit, B. Thaker, V. Goradiya, S. Oza, S. Dave, P. Soni, Y. Dashora, R. Dashora, T Shah, J. Gorsiya, P. Katara, J. Ward, R. Kookana, P. Dillon, S. Prathapar, P. Chinnasamy and M. Varua (2015). Participatory Groundwater Management at Village Level in India – Empowering Communities with Science for Effective Decision Making. Paper [presented at the Australian Groundwater Conference, Nov 3-5 2015, Canberra , Australia.


Smajgl, A., Ward, J. 2015. Participatory process design to bridge the science-policy gap. Regional Forum on Climate Change (RFCC), Bangkok, Thailand, 01-03 July, 2015.


Smajgl, A., Ward, J. 2015. Up-scaling commune level climate change adaptation in the Mekong delta. Regional Forum on Climate Change (RFCC), Bangkok, Thailand, 01-03 July, 2015.


Smajgl A, Ward J, Egan S, 2013. Validating simulations of development outcomes in the Mekong region. ModSim 2013, 1-5 December 2013, Adelaide, Australia.


Smajgl A, Ward J, Egan S, 2013. Designing a simulation-supported learning process for decision makers in the Mekong region. ModSim 2013, 1-5 December 2013, Adelaide, Australia. 


Smajgl, A, Ward, J, Dore, J, Larson, S, 2013. The Water-Food-Energy Nexus in the Mekong Region. Riversymposium 2013, 23-26 September 2013. Brisbane, Australia.

Smajgl A, Xu J, Egan S, Yi Z, 2013. Agent-based Simulation of Government Incentives for 
Diversifying Rubber in Yunnan, China. ESSA 2013, 19-21 September 2013, Warsaw ,Poland.


Ward J., Foran T, Smajgl A, Bouapao L, Pech S, Lu X, 2012. Mekong Energy Metabolism: Connecting Energy Demand into the Nexus of Food-Water-Energy Security. In Moinuddin, H. (Ed.) International Conference on GMS 2020: Balancing Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability, 20 - 21 February 2012, Bangkok.


Smajgl A, Larson S, 2011. Characterising human agents in the Mekong Region. In Chan, F., Marinova, D. and Anderssen, R.S. (eds) MODSIM2011, 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2011, pp. 1652-1658. 


Smajgl A, Foran T, Dore J, Larson S, Ward J, 2010. Visions, beliefs and transformation: Methods for understanding cross-scale and trans-boundary dynamics in the wider Mekong region. Resilience 2011, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. 11-16 March 2011.


Larson S, Smajgl A, 2011. From globalisation to local migration: System study of the Greater Mekong Region. 13th biennial conference IASC, 10-14 January 2011, Hyperabad, India


Smajgl A, House A, Butler J, 2010. Towards Validation through a Pattern Robustness Test. Proceedings WCSS 2010. World Congress on Social Simulation. Kassel, Germany. 6-9 September 2010. 


Working Papers


Smajgl, A. (2017). The Global Forest Coin: Institutional arrangements for sustainability and the transformative potential of blockchain technology. Revised working paper November 2017. MERFI, Bangkok. Download


Smajgl, A. & Damen, B. 2020. Blockchain solutions to unlock climate finance for increased ambition in the agriculture and landuse sectors under the Paris Agreement. FAO & MERFI, Bangkok. Download







Peer-reviewed Journal Publications
Books & Book Chapters
Peer-reviewed Conference Papers
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